Results for 'Burnie Port Authority V. General'

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  1. Commission v Ireland (Case C-427/07)[2010] Env LR 8.Metropolitan Borough Council, Maschinenfabrik Ernst Hese & Burnie Port Authority V. General - 1998 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 100 (380/08):164.
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    Genuine authority is for freedom.Robert V. Andelson - 1970 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 8 (2-3):251-254.
  3.  14
    The Creation of a Character Is the Message of the Author.V. Ozerov - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 11 (4):390-397.
    Why was it worth discussing the play The Man from Outside at this journal's round table? Primarily because it impels one toward certain general thoughts about the character of our contemporary in life, and about his creative embodiment in literature.
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    The Augustinian Concept of Authority[REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):160-160.
    The second in a series of scholarly monographs designed to collect and organize source material for the interpretation of the thought of St. Augustine, this work contains a list of the occurrences of the word auctoritas in Augustine's writings, an anthology of representative passages in which it is discussed, and a number of indices.--V. C. C.
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    Russian european B.V. Yakovenko.V. N. Belov - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):133-144.
    The article analyzes the creativity of one of the most famous Russian neokantians Boris V. Yakovenko. Despite the fact that the work of Yakovenko becomes the subject of analysis of an increasing number of researchers both in Russia and abroad, it has not yet taken place in a systematic analysis. The article attempts to consider the philosophical creativity of the Russian philosopher systematically, revealing both the main directions of European thought that had the greatest influence on the position of Yakovenko (...)
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    Experiment in the General Decision Problem.V. Ivanenko & V. Labkovskii - 2004 - Theory and Decision 57 (4):309-330.
    We consider an experiment that conducts observations on an uncertain parameter. Experiments observing a parameter with a stochastic uncertainty have been studied exhaustively and their characteristics have been described by many authors [see, e.g., De Groot, M. (1974), Optimal Statistical Decisions (Russian translation)]. In this article, we assume that uncertainty is generated by a mechanism which is “random in the broad sense” [a term introduced by Kolmogorov, A.N. (1986), in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (in Russia), pp. 467–471]. Ivanenko, V.I. (...)
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    Reception of V.S. Solovyov's Legacy in Russian Religious and Philosophical Thought: G.V. Florovsky's Case.Anatoly V. Chernyaev - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (4):620-630.
    Public interest in the legacy of Russian religious philosophy, and above all in the legacy of V. S. Solovyov, reached its peak at the turn of the 1990s, after which it declined. As indirect evidence of this, we can note the remaining unrealized idea of installing a monument to the philosopher, slowing down the pace of work on the release of a complete collection of his works, and reducing the number of works dedicated to him. The year of the centenary (...)
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  8.  40
    Philosophical and psychological dimensions of social expectations of personality.V. V. Khmil & I. S. Popovych - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:55-65.
    Purpose. To analyse the philosophical and psychological contexts of social expectations of personality, to form general scientific provisions, to reveal the properties, patterns of formation, development and functioning of social expectations as a process, result of reflection and construction of social reality. Theoretical basis of the study is based on the phenomenology of E. Husserl, the social constructivism philosophy of L. S. Vygotskiy, P. Berger, T. Luckmann, K. J. Gergen, ideas of constructive alternativeism of G. Kelly, psychology of social (...)
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  9.  52
    Human as a carrier of the worldview: Individual and collective dimensions.V. V. Havrylenko - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:62-75.
    Purpose. The purpose of the study is to outline the links between individual and collective dimensions of the human worldview. This purpose requires solving two tasks: to update philosophical ideas formed by reflection on human and community worldview; to identify and generalize the relationship of singular and general in the context of the problem of human worldview. Theoretical basis. The study is based on philosophical reflections about manifestations of singular and general worldviews. Such reflections appeared in European philosophy (...)
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  10.  71
    Latin Aristotle Commentaries, V: Bibliography of Secondary Literature, and: Latin Aristotle Commentaries, I.2: Medieval Authors M–Z (review).William J. Courtenay - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):141-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Latin Aristotle Commentaries, V: Bibliography of Secondary Literature, and: Latin Aristotle Commentaries, I.2: Medieval Authors M–ZWilliam J. CourtenayCharles H. Lohr. Latin Aristotle Commentaries, V: Bibliography of Secondary Literature. Unione Accademica Nazionale, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Subsidia XV. Florence: SISMEL–Editioni del Galluzzo, 2005. Pp. xiv + 567. Cloth, €90.00.Charles H. Lohr. Latin Aristotle Commentaries, I.2: Medieval Authors M–Z. Unione Accademica Nazionale, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Subsidia XVIII. Florence: SISMEL–Editioni (...)
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  11. The book by Jesper Hoffmeyer is, to the best of my knowledge, the first monograph (and not a mere set of articles by one or more authors) on biosemiotics. This makes it exceptionally important not only for laymen, but also for many biologists and philologists/linguists, often ignorant of the very existence of such a neighbouring discipline. The book under review has an additional meaning and importance due to its style, which is not purely academic rather written for the general reader, and thanks to ... [REVIEW]Sergey V. Chebanov - 1998 - Sign Systems Studies 26:417-424.
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    Philosophical Foundations of the Humanitarian and Technological Revolution.V. V. Ivanov & G. G. Malinetsky - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):76-95.
    The articles discusses the philosophical foundations and the traditions of the theory of the humanitarian and technological revolution. The subject-matter of HTR theory is the description and forecast of the transition from the industrial to the post-industrial phase of civilization development as well as the strategy and the most effective methods of management of various socio-economic systems. This theory, actively developing in recent years, focuses on goal setting and on determining priorities and development criteria in the field of technology, science (...)
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  13.  10
    The Manuscripts of Adam Ferguson.V. Merolle, Robin Dix & Eugene Heath - 2006 - Routledge.
    This crucial volume contains a newly-edited cache of over thirty essays on a diverse range of topics from the renowned philosopher, Adam Ferguson, a leading figure of the Scottish Enlightenment. Following on from The Correspondence of Adam Ferguson, this collection aims to set the essays more fully in the history of western philosophy, to which they made an important contribution. They give an exhaustive picture of the thinking of the author and expound ideas which build on and extend the originality (...)
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  14.  18
    Інформаційно-комп’ютерні комунікації науково-освітньої діяльності в умовах інтеграції україни в європейський освітній простір.О. V. Sosnin & M. A. Azhazha - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 74:159-172.
    The relevance of the research is that the information and computer communications of scientific and educational activity as a factor of the development of the information society are analyzed. Statement of the task - the modern stage of the socio-political development of Ukraine is characterized by the unprecedented pace of development of a new information and communication arrangement of scientific and educational activities in society and, as a result, its development as informational and civic. Object of research - information and (...)
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  15.  39
    The phenomenon of transdisciplinary cognitive revolution.V. A. Bazhanov & A. G. Kraeva - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 5 (2):91.
    Phenomenon of transdisciplinarity was put into the fore of analysis rather recently. In the article an attempt is made to find out whether it is possible to attribute this phenomenon not only to a science of the 21st century, or we have here the case where some scientific realities come to the attention of researchers with certain delay and has its value for the culture in general? It is possible to judge even the emergence of a kind of cognitive (...)
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  16.  46
    A context for belief revision: forward chaining-normal nonmonotomic rule systems.V. W. Marek, A. Nerode & J. B. Remmel - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 67 (1-3):269-323.
    A number of nonmonotonic reasoning formalisms have been introduced to model the set of beliefs of an agent. These include the extensions of a default logic, the stable models of a general logic program, and the extensions of a truth maintenance system among others. In [13] and [16], the authors introduced nonmonotomic rule systems as a nonlogical generalization of all essential features of such formulisms so that theorems applying to all could be proven once and for all. In this (...)
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    Phenomenological justification of theory of time.V. Ya Perminov - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 2 (6):506.
    The article exposes Husserl’s theory of time and provides its detailed comparison with theories of time of I. Kant and F. Brentano. The author first examines the general principles of the phenomenological theory of consciousness, and then analyzes the time concept of F. Brentano and Husserl’s criticism of these ideas, and eventually makes a comparison of Husserl’s and Kant’s theories of time. The author is inclined to conclude that progress in the interpretation of the time made by Husserl, is (...)
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  18.  20
    Grande Antologia Filosofica. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):366-366.
    The second part of the work described above, covering, in 3 volumes, the period from the first Patristic thinkers to the fourteenth century. The texts in these volumes, as in those on classical thought, are organized by topics, and are designed to express fundamental assumptions, principles and definitions of their various authors. --V. C. C.
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    Post-Folklore as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon of the Network Society.V. Voshchenko - 2023 - Philosophical Horizons 47:61-68.
    The article characterizes post-folklore as a cultural phenomenon of the network society and defines various aspects of its functioning − sociocommunicative, cultural and psychological. The research methodology consisted of a set of basic approaches, principles and methods of scientific research. To achieve the goal, a set of general scientific and special methods was used, including the methods of logical analysis, problemchronological, generalization, synthesis, induction, and analogy.Research results. It has been proven that post-folkloric creativity is important for the development of (...)
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  20.  23
    Acupuncture Points of Mathematical Education of Philosophers: Contexts of the Worldview of the New Century.V. A. Erovenko - 2014 - Liberal Arts in Russia 3 (6):457.
    The article examines the current state of the mathematical education of the students-philosophers that depends on language of the humanitarian mathematics, evidence of its statements and methodological problem of the cognition of the mathematical facts. One of important tasks of philosophy of mathematical education consists in motivation of the need for training mathematics of students-philosophers. The main criterion of the usefulness of mathematics for philosophers is revealed in the ways of justification of its truth and completeness of reasoning of mathematical (...)
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    Notes on the Methodology and Evolution of Physics and Astrophysics.V. L. Ginzburg - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (1):40-82.
    Work on the methodology of natural science involves serious difficulties over and above those encountered in any other aspect of natural science or of philosophy. Reference is to the obvious fact that in discussing methodological questions of, for example, physics, so as to be precise, it is not enough to know physics: it is also necessary to familiarize oneself with certain branches of philosophy, the history of science, and so forth. Furthermore, a professional cannot limit himself to "general familiarity" (...)
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    Interaction between cultural values and attitudes towards innovation.V. A. Goldyreva - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (5):426.
    The review of current innovation policy in Russia represented in this work. Author makes stress on personal attitude of the national leaders to innovations: they are sure that focusing on full realization of one’s potential and on innovation inevitably would lead Russia to be one of technology leaders of the world before 2020. The basis of this belief lays in currently processing shift of social values in Russia. Author notes that there are just few works revealing connection between cultural values (...)
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  23.  52
    The Role of Hermeneutic Phenomenology in Grounding the Affirmative Philosophy of Gustav Gustavovich Shpet.V. G. Kuznetsov - 1999 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 37 (4):62-90.
    The conception on which the affirmative philosophy of G.G. Shpet rests can be called hermeneutic phenomenology. The choice of this term demands explanation. Shpet's basic hermeneutic work, Hermeneutics and Its Problems [Germenevtika i ee problemy], was completed in 1918. At the time hermeneutics was understood usually as the art of grasping the meaning of a text. It is worth noting that this art was quite specific. It consisted mostly of a set of psychological techniques for "penetrating" into the internal world (...)
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    J.-p. Sartre’s humanism in the context of modern anthropological situation.V. V. Liakh & M. I. Khylko - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:116-132.
    Purpose. The article is aimed to show the specificity and heuristic value of the humanism of the French existentialist J.-P. Sartre, represented both in his early works, where the isolationist position prevailed, and considering his evolution to various types of collective responsibility and attempts to build a universal morality on the basis of ontological integral humanity. Theoretical basis. Taking into account the relevance of the topic of person’s searching for authentic existence in the modern world, the author analyzes the concept (...)
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    Methodological research paradigm of intellectual equity in informational society.V. V. Makarov, V. I. Gusev & A. G. Voronin - 2012 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 1 (1):78.
    Genesis of the scientific ideas and views on intellectual capital is characterized by various approaches highlighting the role of knowledge, skill and professional employees as a form of productive capital. This tendency is mostly revealed at the present stage of economic science development in transiting to an information society. In these conditions the holistic study of intellectual capital requires an expansion of the methodological research base using the evolutionary theory of economic development of the world community, general theory of (...)
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    Right and Law: The Necessary Dualism.V. E. Semyonov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (3):56-76.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between right and law. The author identifies four types of understanding of right: positivist, natural-legal, general social, and the point of view of educational literature. These four types belong to different paradigms of understanding: the philosophical one (theory of natural right) and the legal one (three other points of view). The philosophy of right as a purely philosophical and not a legal discipline uses a philosophical approach to the substantiation (...)
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  27.  13
    Global Evolution and Prospects Human Intelligence.V. Shapoval - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:42-49.
    There are two opposing equally well-argued views on the emergence and development of all things: either the evolution of the world that led to the emergence of life and intelligence is something natural, or everything happened quite by accident and could have been different. It determines the aim and the tasks which are the emergence of intelligence can be considered as a certain stage of such a naturally unfolding evolutionary process, or it is the result of a coincidence. Research methods (...)
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    Whitehead's Metaphysics.V. C. Chappell - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (2):278 - 304.
    A more significant indication of the revived interest in Whitehead, however, is the number of first-rate studies of his philosophy which have been produced in recent years. Three have been published; each is superior in scope, depth, and philosophic insight to the studies hitherto available. In addition, two more works are announced for early publication, one of which at least is of the same high caliber. The authors of these recent books are neither apologists nor detractors, neither loyal disciples nor (...)
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    To CAG or not to CAG? Difficulties in determining submission to the Confidentiality Advisory Group: a commentary.V. Ranieri, H. Stynes & E. Kennedy - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (1):120-124.
    The Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG) is a specialised body that advises the Health Research Authority (HRA) and the Secretary of State for Health on requests for access to confidential information, in the absence of informed consent from its owners. Its primary role is to oversee the safe use of such information and to counsel the governing bodies mentioned above as to whether such use is appropriate or inappropriate. Researchers who seek access to England or Wales-based confidential data, for medical (...)
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    Man and His Tragic Life. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):164-164.
    The author seeks, through an examination of the characters of Dostoevsky, to interpret the nature of man and his fate. A "Christian existentialist," he sees man's life as essentially tragic, torn between the "dialectical opposites," God and nature. Man's only hope for harmony and synthesis lies in the total "surrender of his autonomy to the demands of God." Sometimes obscure in meaning, the book contains nevertheless a number of interesting suggestions.--V. C. C.
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    Law as a Model for Solving Ethical Issues.Y. V. Erokhina - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (3):77-96.
    The author discusses the thesis proposed by H. Hazlitt that jurisprudence has developed such methods and principles of solving legal problems that could also serve as a guide in solving ethical problems. The article critically reviews the reasoning behind this thesis made by H. Hazlitt and L. Yeager. A special attention is paid to the influence of J. Bentham’s utilitarian ideas on the formation of Hazlitt’s conception. Not being a lawyer, Hazlitt in the work The Foundations of Morality argued that (...)
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    Post-Human Futures: Human Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence and Social Theory.Mark Carrigan & Douglas V. Porpora - 2021 - Routledge.
    This volume engages with post-humanist and transhumanist approaches to present an original exploration of the question of how humankind will fare in the face of artificial intelligence. With emerging technologies now widely assumed to be calling into question assumptions about human beings and their place within the world, and computational innovations of machine learning leading some to claim we are coming ever closer to the long-sought artificial general intelligence, it defends humanity with the argument that technological 'advances' introduced artificially (...)
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    Instinct in the explanation of behaviour.Frederick V. Smith - 1945 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 23 (1-3):1 – 34.
    The author discusses mcdougall's position on the subject and the "concept of separate patterns of behaviour" in individual and general circumstance. The author concludes that mcdougall was interested in a scientific question concerning innate tendencies in humans but thinks mcdougall posited too many instincts. (staff).
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    A History of Modern Criticism. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):365-365.
    The first two volumes of a four-volume study, destined surely to become the standard work in its field. Literary criticism in the broadest sense is the book's subject, but the author tries to avoid purely philosophical aesthetics at one extreme--Kant is given 3 pages to Schiller's 24--as well as unsubstantiated judgments of taste at the other. Since he tries to see the past as bearing upon and productive of the literary theory of the present, the book might be said to (...)
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    American Literature and the Christian Tradition. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):711-711.
    In a relaxed and yet persuasive manner, the author relates a number of American writers to sets of Christian beliefs, noting that those whom he regards as orthodox are generally thought today to be greater literary artists than the "heretics"--i.e., those who "ignore Original Sin."--V. C. C.
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    The Idea of Order. [REVIEW]G. P. V. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (3):474-474.
    According to the author, philosophy and politics are intimately connected, since any understanding of society involves an analysis of "order." The notion of order contains three essential elements which political philosophers have frequently overlooked: unity, sanction and authority. Barth examines the work of Burke, Rivarol, de Lamennais, Comte and others. The concluding chapter attempts to resolve the problems raised by the apparent conflict between "historical" and "natural" right in a comprehensive idea of order.--V. G. P.
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    The Concept of the Positron. [REVIEW]V. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (2):303-304.
    Hanson has set forth in a fascinating way the story of the discovery of the positron. He takes up in some detail the question concerning the symmetry of explaining and predicting, argues that certain features of microphysical theory cannot be accommodated to mechanical-type models, and defends his interpretation of the "Copenhagen" view of quantum theory. He shows how an adequate understanding of these matters makes possible a grasp of the significance of the concept of the positron, and in so doing, (...)
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    Philosophical Dimensions of Public Policy.Verna V. Gehring & William Arthur Galston - 2002 - Transaction.
    At the mid-point of the twentieth century, many philosophers in the English-speaking world regarded political and moral philosophy as all but moribund. Thinkers influenced by logical positivism believe that ethical statements are merely disguised expressions of individual emotion lacking propositional force, or that the conditions for the validation of ethical statements could not be specified, or that their content, however humanly meaningful, is inexpressible. Philosophical Dimensions of Public Policy presents thirty-four articles written by research scholars numerous fields-philosophy, political theory, medicine, (...)
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    The Development of Plato's Ethics. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (3):518-518.
    An attempt to account for the shift in Plato's ethical views from the Socratic ideal of personal decision in the early Dialogues to the institutionalized morality of the Laws. The author's interpretations are fresh and illuminating, and his central thesis--that the shift in Plato's view is a function of a growing attention to the conditions, social and natural, imposed upon moral man by the actual world--is well-supported. One of the best features of Mr. Gould's work is his attempt to recover (...)
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    Being and God: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Being and to Natural Theology. [REVIEW]V. C. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (4):776-776.
    This textbook combines Father Klubertanz' Introduction to the Philosophy of Being and Father Holloway's Natural Theology in a new two-part abridgement, appropriate for single semester courses in general metaphysics and natural theology. The standpoint of both the authors is roughly that of existential Thomism, and the continuity between the work of each within the book is notable. The first part contains the revisions to be found in the second edition of Father Klubertanz' volume.—C. V.
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    Deutscher Geist zwischen Gestern und Morgen. [REVIEW]V. F. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):187-188.
    A comprehensive progress report, by some thirty scholars, journalists, and educators, on the situation in Germany ten years after the Zusammenbruch of 1945, ranging from the reorganization of business and politics to recent developments in the arts and sciences. Though the authors try mainly to report and inform--and this they do with balance and clarity--there is also a good deal of soul-searching, amounting at times to an outright critique of the way things have been and are being done. The editors (...)
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    Determination and Freewill. Anthony Collins’ a Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human Liberty. [REVIEW]J. B. V. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (4):771-772.
    Although this book contains a facsimile of the second London edition of Collins’ Inquiry, the main author is O’Higgins, for his Introduction and Notes seem more important than the 18th-century pamphlet. Collins was a country squire, friend of John Locke, an Anglican Deist, and a convinced determinist in his explanation of volition. His education was spotty: Eton, a year at Cambridge and unfinished studies in law. A general study of Collins’ life and writings was published by O’Higgins in 1970, (...)
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    La psychose. Essai d'interpretation analytique et existentiale. [REVIEW]V. E. W. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):157-158.
    In his previous book, La philosophie et les experiences naturelles, A. De Waelhens claims that great philosophers in the past have not only been in dialogue with their predecessors but also that each great philosopher benefited from a confrontation with a non-philosophical experience. This previous book forms the theoretical justification for the present one. Here the author studies the problem of psychosis, with the hope and the intention of contributing to the further development of philosophy. Insofar as philosophy is fascinated (...)
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    Housing the Powers: Medieval Debates about Dependence on God by Marilyn McCord Adams (review).Zita V. Toth - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (4):662-664.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Housing the Powers: Medieval Debates about Dependence on God by Marilyn McCord AdamsZita V. TothMarilyn McCord Adams. Housing the Powers: Medieval Debates about Dependence on God. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 240. Hardback, $80.00.Housing the Powers is a collection of eight interrelated articles by the late Marilyn McCord Adams (the fourth one coauthored with Cecilia Trifogli), pieced together as chapters of a book by Robert Merrihew Adams, (...)
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    The Passions and the Interests. Political Arguments for Capitalism before its Triumph. [REVIEW]V. E. W. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (1):178-181.
    The author of this study in intellectual history, an economist, tries to analyze the arguments presented in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in favor of a commercially oriented society. But he makes it clear at the end of this book, that his study has uncovered a new reason for the emergence of capitalism. This reason is different from the Weberian argument, which it complements. Weber had presented a psychological thesis, i.e., the search for a criterion for individual salvation led to (...)
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  46. The Rhetoric of Parody in Plato’s Menexenus.Franco V. Trivigno - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (1):pp. 29-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Rhetoric of Parody in Plato's MenexenusFranco V. TrivignoIn Plato's Menexenus, Socrates spends nearly the entire dialogue reciting an epitaphios logos, or funeral oration, that he claims was taught to him by Aspasia, Pericles' mistress. Three difficulties confront the interpreter of this dialogue. First, commentators have puzzled over how to understand the intention of Socrates' funeral oration (see Clavaud 1980, 17–77).1 Some insist that it is parodic, performing an (...)
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    The Luoshu Magic Square as Evidence of the Rational and Mathematical Orientation of the Chinese Style of Thinking.Natalya V. Pushkarskaya - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (6):151-159.
    This article considers the meaning of the ancient Chinese magic square Luoshu. It is known that this square is the most ancient of this type of squares. The importance of the magic square in the philosophical tradition and in the whole culture of China is large. The ancient understanding of number differs from the modern one by its dual character, combining the features of philosophical symbolism and mathematical constructions. Unfortunately, modern interpretations of the Luoshu as well as other numerical constructions (...)
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  48.  44
    Matter and Mathematics: An Essentialist Account of the Laws of Nature by Andrew YOUNAN (review).Dominic V. Cassella - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (1):166-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Matter and Mathematics: An Essentialist Account of the Laws of Nature by Andrew YOUNANDominic V. CassellaYOUNAN, Andrew. Matter and Mathematics: An Essentialist Account of the Laws of Nature. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023. xii + 228 pp. Cloth, $75.00Andrew Younan’s work situates itself between two opposing philosophical accounts of the laws of nature. In one corner, there are the Humeans (or Nominalists); in the (...)
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  49.  56
    Kant. [REVIEW]V. C. C. - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (2):361-361.
    An attempt to present Kant's Critical Philosophy in a non-technical and up-to-date manner. The author is largely successful in translating complex doctrines into simple language and in relating Kant's thought to contemporary developments in philosophy, science, morals and theology. He stresses the continuity of Kant's thinking with our own, and expounds the Kantian position in the light of the criticisms which have been directed against it, in our and other times. Despite the simplicity of its language, however, the book is (...)
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  50.  26
    Objectivity. [REVIEW]V. C. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (4):702-702.
    An original and independent treatment of epistemology's central question--that concerning the relation between the mind and its objects. The author's answer is that of naive realism: the mind is a spectator of its objects, and the objects themselves are real and independent of it and its activity. The classical objections to such a view are examined forthrightly and yet with care; error, e.g., appears as a function of the unclarity with which some objects are apprehended rather than as evidence that (...)
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